

natural noise

man-made nx

noise levels

noise graph

local factors

atmosPHeric NOISE at HF amateur bands

 (Accepted by 'Electron' magazine)







In a related article on 'Reporting', also to be found here, it has been suggested to always add the noise background in the signal report. This background noise signal may take many shapes depending on frequency, the hour of the day, type of antenna etc. Also the type of radio-'traffic' will be an important issue as may be understood when comparing intelligibility of a signal in a pile-up to the same signal against 'atmospheric noise' in a quiet part on the ten meter radio-amateur band. Furthermore one may experience a notable difference when listening to a weak signal against 'natural background' as compared to 'side-band spatter' having the same 'rhythm' of human speech. In the latter situation, the 'in-ear filtering' is much less effective.   

In all situations, background noise is an important factor that is calling for a more detailed analysis to explore type and energies one may expect at HF amateur frequencies.



Noise with a natural background


Natural noise is consisting of a limited number of components; here we shall deal with the most important only.

This component consists of lightening discharges between the clouds and between the clouds and the earth surface. Especially the latter is generating more energetic discharges and hence more 'noise'. Lightening discharges may be found by the millions each day all over the globe. These numbers translate to hundreds per second of which only the nearest will be perceived as 'impulse' noise.


The energy of lightening discharges at a larger distance is traveling towards us along a number of 'roads' and is therefore less energetic but will last longer in time. This phenomenon is called 'dispersion' and is fundamental to all wave-spreading, including light and water. Lightening discharge energy at larger distance therefore will be perceived as a constant hiss, rather than an impulse type of noise.


Impulse noise as well as background hiss will vary with the weather, the season and the position at the globe. Usually lightening storms are more frequent and more energetic in the South-Eastern part of the world, and so communication in the lower HF-bands is more of a change matter is this area. This is showing natural noise to also exhibit a strong statistical spread in time. In general one will measure some 90 dB difference between noise values that are exceeded during 0,5 % of the time compared to those that exceed 99,5 % of time. There also is a strong correlation with the time of day. Total background noise will be quiet different at 80 m. during day-light times compared to early evening, when ionospheric conditions will allow signals to travel a much larger distance.


This type of natural background noise will exhibit a wide power spectrum over frequency, dropping off at higher frequencies. Starting around 4 MHz., general galactic noise will take over as the dominant factor up to around 1 GHz.. Around this frequency the noise by the sun is becoming more important and will be predominant at focused antenna systems looking (accidentally) directly into this direction.



Man-made noise


Although natural atmospheric noise is important below 4 MHz., it is not the most important factor between 0,1 MHz. and 4 MHz. Except for heavy local thunderstorms, most important contribution to background noise will be provided by human interference. In a rural location far from the big city and industrial zones, this man-made noise at e.g. 1 MHz. may readily be 50 dB stronger than the natural background. This level is easily surpassed by another 20 - 30 dB in city centers and industrial area's.


This man-made 'electro-smog' is consisting of many components like ageing house hold appliances, sparking electric switches, train and light-rail based interference and in the older days also by automotive ignition noise; the latter nowadays has been replaced by all sorts of PC-based noise, industrial and medical appliances etc.

Together with the 'sparking source' one should also consider the aerial that is radiating the energy. Most electrical appliances are connected to a wall socket or to each-other, with these (inter-)connections acting like the electromagnetic radiator. This is another reason why this man-made electro-smog is prominent in the 0,1 - 4 MHz. frequency range. The combined effect of radiator length and the 'artificial noise source' make for an efficient radiating system at this range.


The noise source antenna's are running in all sorts of directions reason why electro-smog usually does not exhibit  polarization properties. This is less so for very local noise sources. Especially for this type of noise it can be very effective to pick op the signal with a relatively small antenna and apply this unwanted signal in a noise-bridge to improve DX reception in the main antenna. Many circuits to this extent may be found on the internet and also MFJ is delivering devices like MFJ 202B and MFJ1025 noise canceling bridges. This type of noise cancellation is requiring some skills since amplitude and phase have to be tuned simultaneously to show effect. In general this type of equipment is capable of repressing local noise by 30 dB or more (5 S-points).


It is often suggested this type of local noise to exhibit more important electric than magnetic components and more often be vertically than horizontally polarized. If so, these properties may also be put to good use when trying to compensate. These types of local effects may also be at the base of 'quiet antenna' behavior that is attributed to one or other antenna. Although usually the particular antenna is said to exhibit this particular behavior, it more likely is the local type of the electro-smog that is at the base of the observation; for local noise sources the antenna is always operating in the very near field.


Identical to natural background noise, the man-made noise is also subject to dispersion, reason why more distance noise sources also will be perceived as a general and uncharacteristic background. Again ionospheric conditions are providing a different noise background in the evening and/or periods of turbulent solar activity. when this back-ground noise may be received from a larger area.



Noise levels


Radio noise levels have been observed for some time. Quite early in radio-history noise levels have been measured at various times and places around the globe. These measurements have been collected in a report by CCIR, Comité consultatif international pour la radio, that later has evolved into ITU-R, International Telecommunication Union - Radio Communication sector. The report is periodically updated and is currently available as ITU Recommendation P372-8. The report consists amongst many others issues of a summary on these continuous measurements at different places and times, normalized into a set of generally accepted graphs.    

Not long ago the noise data in the report have been revisited in order to have a set of agreed noise figures as a reference for comparing expected future levels of noise as generated by PLC. The ITU noise measurements proved general noise figures not to have changed very much over the last 20 years.

PLC in this respect meaning Power Line Communication, the commercial plans by Electricity companies to exploit their electrical power lines for wide-band data communication. As these lines are optimized only for frequencies of tens to hundreds of cycles per second, it is clear these are unfit for efficient data transport of much higher frequencies.


Noise graphs over frequency for our HF-amateur bands as derived from this ITU report may be found at internet,  'Googling' with key-words: 'Atmospheric and man-made noise'. As an example one may find the graph of figure 1.




Figure 1: Total atmospheric and man-made noise at HF frequencies



These noise graphs are expressed in the noise figure Fa, representing the excess noise relative to a resistor at a certain temperature and bandwidth. When calculating for a resistor of 50 Ohm, a temperature of 300 K and a bandwidth of 3 kHz. (customary in amateur EZB communication), we are able to translate these graphs directly into a noise voltage at the antenna input of our receiver, provided the impedance is 50 Ohm at this frequency. The antenna gain is to be taken as 0 dBi.


In a quiet rural environment one may calculate from this graph at 3,6 MHz. a total noise voltage of 1,82 μV. The voltage will drop to 0,48 μV at 14,2 MHz. and 0,22 μV at 28,5 MHz. Which the receiver calibrated according to the information in the article on 'Reporting', i.e. S-meter reading S-9 at a measured antenna input voltage of 50 μV., these noise voltages will translate into S 4,2 at the 80 m. amateur frequencies, S 2,3 at 20 m. and S1,2 at the 10 m. band. Ionospheric conditions may enhance these figures with a few S-points more, when comparing evening to day-time conditions. 



Local factors


Considering these generalized noise figures it is clear that reports on back-ground noise figures below S-2 on 80 m. are to be met with some sepsis. Most probably the S-meter calibration is not up to standard or antenna loss figures account for losing a few S-points here. The unfortunate amateur may now understand why others are capable of so much more DX-contacts while applying comparable input power.  


The origin of antenna loss figures have been discussed in the chapter 'Where does the HF power go'.

An important contribution to this loss story comes from the antenna feeders, especially at high SWR. It therefore may be a good idea to always consider termination conditions, particularly with RG58 coaxial lines over 15 m. of length. Also, the coaxial braiding may be acting as an unwanted vertical antenna coupling the vertical (local) field component into the receiver. This will be stopped by employing good, clean connectors as these signals will enter the receiver by means of any resistance between the connector and the socket.

A cable choke will prove to be of good value to keep unwanted signals out, either from noise sources or your own transmission signal; therefore such cable choke in general is always a good idea. More on cable chokes and baluns may be found here.


The above noise figures will be about the lowest signals you may find on HF amateur frequencies. Higher noise figures are no exception either when considering noise figures may easily be up to 20 - 30 dB more in city-centers and industrial environments. Noise floor may then be measured at S 8-9 at 80 m. via S 6-7 on 20m. to S 5-6 on the 10 m. radio-amateur band. Living in a high noise environment therefore may be a problem for serious DX contacts. A high gain, very directive antenna could bring some relief; unfortunately these antenna's usually require a high 'footprint' that again is not easily attainable in a crowded city environment. Waiting for national holydays in the summer with most people on vacations may than be the only way-out.


From the above it is clear total atmospheric background noise already is high enough as it is. This is another reason why this 'PLC - 'hold-up' should be stopped before it will kill a world-wide communication channel.



Bob J. van Donselaar,