

iron powders



how winding  comparing

power loss



Iron-powder materials in HF applications

(published in Electron #1, 2006)





This chapter on iron-powder materials is an extension to the article-series on Ferrites in HF applications. Next to ferrites iron-powder cores are regularly applied in comparable conditions and often regarded as just an other HF core material. Qualities of iron powder-cores however are different enough to dedicate an additional chapter, especially since these materials are sometimes applied when ferrite-cores where intended, which may lead to undesired and often dangerous situations, either to the equipment or to the operator.



Iron-powder materials


Two main groups of iron-powder materials may be distinguished for application 'around' HF circuits, identified by the manufacturing process:


1. Electrolytic iron powder

Flake-like iron particles are formed by an electrolytic process and cut to microscopic size. This 'flake powder' is mixed with an isolating binder material and pressed / cured to a high-density material of the desired shape. Permeability up to 100 may be obtained by this type of processing. Electrical losses usually will be high since the iron flakes are sharing mutual contact points that allow relatively large Eddy-currents. Magnetic domains are somewhat larger than in ferrite materials allowing for higher flux density before saturation will cut in. Application of electrolytic iron-powder materials therefore may be found at high(er) DC /  low(er) AC current applications, e.g.  chokes in switched-mode power supplies (SMPS).


Ferroxcube is manufacturing electrolytic iron-powder toroides, intended for application below one megahertz. Material 2P40 for instance is characterized by permeability mi = 40 and Q = 16.7, always measured and specified at 10 kHz. and intended for low-frequency applications. These materials may also be found in ignition coils for  fluorescent lamps.

MicoMetals and Amidon also are well known sources for this material e.g. 'mix-26' type, color-coded yellow-white, and again intended for SMPS applications.



2. Carbonyl-iron powder

Iron particles are formed in a chemical vapor deposition process from iron-tetra-carbonyl and are much smaller that in the above process. Again iron particles are mixed and processed with an isolating binder material but to a lower density. This process yields a lower permeability material but with very low loss (high Q) since iron particles are not in mutual contact. Saturation qualities are lower than in electrolytic iron powder and are comparable or lower than those for ferrites. Ferroxcube used to apply these materials in tuning rods for filters in telephony applications, especially because of the low temperature coefficients as compared to ferrite materials. Other Ferroxcube applications may be found in HF inductors, usually in rod-type shapes. For this type of application permeability does not need to be too high and saturation may not quickly be a problem in these rod-shapes. Materials Q-factor usually will be high to over 10 MHz., allowing for inductor applications for a large portion of the HF range.


Low permeability values in general are related to the small grain size in the carbonyl process. At higher field strength the magnetic domain borders (Bloch walls) will be displaced. When these displacements are crossing the magnetic domain borders, additional energy will be lost. Therefore low permeability iron powder will saturate earlier than higher permeability materials and certainly earlier than ferrites.



General carbonyl properties


At the MicroMetals and Amidon website most carbonyl materials may be found. Higher permeability material (hydrogen reduced iron powder says Amidon) in the range of 35 - 100 is recommended for low-frequency applications which is typical for electrolytic iron powders. Carbonyl material permeability is ranging from 3 - 35, with highest application frequencies for lowest permeability types.    


In general carbonyl type materials will be priced in the ferrite range or somewhat lower since the first do not require the expensive sintering process. Iron powder materials in general are mold-pressed after which a mild-temperature oven process removes / hardens the binder material. This process may differ somewhat for each manufacturer as Ferroxcube guarantees its materials up to 140 C while Amidon / MicoMetals write their materials 'will be permanently impaired when exposed to temperatures over 75 C'; apparently a less robust process is used.


MicroMetals is currently one of the important iron-powder manufacturers with a wide range of materials including a 'high performance' range, which is their indication of carbonyl types. This is not unrealistic since e.g. 'mix-2' type of material is specified at an initial permeability tolerance of +/- 5 % and temperature stability of -95 ppm/C, which translates to high precision and high stability when compared to equivalent ferrite parameters.

It should be noted though Eddy currents to increase at raised temperatures which means higher materials loss at high(er) power applications. This may start an avalanche of increasing loss that eventually may destroy the component; 'thermal runaway' according to MicroMetals.


When comparing above 'high performance' materials to widely applied ferrite types like 4C65 (61), permeability tolerance at the latter is +/- 20% with a temperature coefficient between 0 and 100 C of around 2000 ppm. Since this coefficient is positive, permeability will rise at rising temperature making this material inherently safe at power applications. On top of this, Curie temperature is 350 C as compared to 75 C for grade-2 cores which 'will permanently be damaged at higher temperatures' according to the manufacturer.


As a first conclusion it may be decided carbonyl iron powder is the better material for HF resonant applications with

the lower permeability ferrites (4C65, 61) to excel in wide-band / high power circuits. This is in line with MicroMetals, suggesting: " Broadband transformers with iron powder cores will not have the wide bandwidth attainable with high permeability ferrite cores".


Also in the professional world, iron-powder materials will not be regarded as competitors to (NiZn) ferrites as permeability of the first is rather low and materials loss at higher flux densities is higher than with ferrites. It should be noted that all permeability measurements are performed at a very low measuring flux of 0,1 mT, to avoid hysteresis effects. This is a generally accepted technique which also applies to ferrite materials. Q-factor will be defined as the 'bare-materials' properties and defined as μ' / μ", disregarding other loss mechanisms e.g. copper loss. A practical inductor therefore will always exhibit a somewhat lower quality factor.

When discussing these Q-factors it should be noted that some manufacturers may be using different definitions. Especially when using the inverse Q as the materials 'Loss-factor', these manufacturers are defining this to the initial permeability in stead of the permeability at frequency!



Materials overview


Most manufacturers are presenting materials overviews as a selection mechanism. MicroMetals is presenting a materials overview that gives a fair impression of a large portion of the carbonyl iron powder field. Unfortunately US manufacturers do not often specify permeability (μ' ) and loss (μ") curves over frequency as in  Europe and as presented in Ferrites for HF applcations. Instead Q-factors related to frequency are presented for a specific inductor at a specific core material and frequency. This may be useful when constructing an exact copy at the exact operating frequency but will not be very helpful at your specific design. In fact these inductor examples usually are presented at optimal Q-conditions so your practical design will invariably show a lower figure making calculation of these components somewhat of a hit-and-miss game.

In impression of the materials application area may be obtained from the resonant range figures. This range represents the higher Q-values, usually over 75.


MicroMetals Carbonyl iron powder materials



















0.15 – 3





0.25 – 10





0.02 - 1





3 – 40





3 – 40





1 – 25





0.02 – 1





15 – 100





0.15 – 3





20 - 200


Table 1: Carbonyl iron-powders by MicroMetals


A general trend to much lower permeabilities as compared to the ferrites table is evident as also the higher frequency range for resonant applications. Consequence of the low permeability is the non direct relationship between the (square of the) number of turns and final inductance. Because of this low permeability, some flux leakage may be expected so winding style will influence final induction as may be appreciated from figure 1, also by MicroMetals. 




                            Figure 1. Winding style and inductance




This winding effect is not present at the (usually much) higher permeability ferrites. Since magnetic 'resistance' is much lower in the latter, no flux will leak outside the core.


Manufacturers usually present a winding factor for a particular core shape and material type, usually expressed in nano-Henry per turn squared (nH/n2). Some popular US distributors however like to use a different definition to boost figures and make these look more like the ferrite numbers. Although the symbol is the same (AL), the number is to mean micro-Henry for a coil with 100 turns (μH/100). As an example:

- T200-2 (2", mix-2 toroide)                                     is specified at AL = 120 μH/100 for this 51 mm. shape

- TN36/23/15-4C65 (36 mm. 4C65 ferrite toroide) is specified at AL = 170 nH/n2    for this 36 mm. shape

For a 10 turn inductor, the first will show an inductance of around 1,2 μH, depending on winding style (figure 1), while the second will exhibit an inductance of 17 μH, independent of the winding style. With the AL numbers in the same ball-park, the coil inductance will be different by a factor of 10.

To arrive at the more technical definition of nH/n2 , the μH/100 figure should be divided by a factor of 104. In this web-site, we will always use the more technical nH/n2 definition.


In general a number of specific measures should be taken care of when constructing a high-Q inductor on low-permeability materials:

-   Make turns stay close and next to each other (avoid leakage inductance)

-   Use the core efficiently (use full winding space). An inductor that is fully filling the winding space will have a

     higher Q at equal inductance as an inductor this will not fully occupied winding space (on a differently shaped

     coil former)

-   Mind the AL definition


For all inductor types one should note

-   Apply 0,5 mm. wire diameter or more to keep skin effect (wire loss) low at HF frequencies.

-   It is not useful (and should be avoided) to apply litze (multiple isolated strands) type of wire on HF frequencies

    above 2 MHz. The gain of the higher surface area is more than lost by the increasing parasitic parallel capacitance

    of this type of wire, which also will have a diminishing effect on system Q.

-   Do not apply more than one layer of wire. Parasitic parallel capacitance will increase excessively with each new



Core resistivity

Resistivity for iron powder materials is in the order of 0,5 Ohm.m., as compared to at least 50 kOhm.m. at NiZn ferrite materials, all measured at 1 MHz. This basic resistivity difference is showing in more than one way at practical inductors.

When making a coil on an iron powder coil-former, one should always start to apply an isolating layer before putting on turns. Depending on the coil former finishing, edges could be sharp and may cut through the wire coating, shortening the inductor. This additional isolating layer may will add to the leakage flux of these low permeability materials.

The highly conductive, iron-powder coil former will have an increasing effect on the parasitic capacitance of an inductor on this material. Increased capacitance will lower maximum operational frequency.  



Some practical measurements


Various inductors have been constructed and measured on popular iron-powder coil formers in the carbonyl range, especially on T200-2, T68-2 and T50-2 toroides. In table 2 some of these measurements may be found as made on a 6 turns inductor on a T200-2 toroide.



T200-2, 51 mm. toroide, 6 turns










































































Table 2: Measurements to mix –2 carbonyl toroide inductor



Surprisingly the materials permeability (μ') is higher than specified by the manufacturer. This permeability is nicely constant over a wide frequency range which also shows at the inductance column. The second observation is the low value of the equivalent series resistor (second column), that is related to the materials loss factor of μ". Above 20 MHz. loss is increasing and the effects of loss and series resistance are showing in the last column for the Q-values. For this inductor, highest quality factors will be obtained around 10 MHz. to drop off rather sharply at higher frequencies. These measurements show this material may be applied in resonating circuits up to 20 MHz.


A series of comparable measurements have been made at a 36 mm., 4C65 ferrite core, again with 6 turns, and may be found in figure 3.


4C65, 36 mm. toroide, 6 turns











































































Table 3: Measurements to a 4C65 (61) ferrite toroide



Again permeability is nicely constant across a wide range of frequencies. Up to 10 MHz. this material also is very suitable for high-Q (low loss) applications. Above this frequency the quality factor is dropping-off sharply and this effect is starting at a lower frequency when compared to mix-2 material.

Because of the much higher permeability, total impedance is seven times higher at all HF frequencies and will stay that way for a long time thereafter in spite of the lowering Q-values. This effect allows a choke or a transformer at 4C65 material to consist of less turns for a required impedance and therefore to also show a lower parasitic capacitance. Ferrite materials therefore in general offer wider band-width for this type of application.



Power loss


In the article on Ferrites for HF applications we derived a formula for the maximum voltage across an inductor on ferrite core materials, based on core loss mechanisms. With ferrite materials the maximum induction is in the order of 300 mT, where carbonyl materials may only be saturated at 1 T. The formula for maximum voltage in the latter material may therefore be adapted tot this new situation, by changing the loss-correction factor.


Umax = Ö(Pmax.core . (Q/2 + 1/Q) . XL)                                                                      (1)



Umax     = maximum voltage across the inductor-on-core

Pmax        = maximum loss power in the core         

Q         = quality factor (XL / r , also m’ / m”)

XL          = reactance of the inductor


After measuring a 36 mm. ferrite toroide it appears this core to exhibit a thermal resistance to free air of 7 K/W. This thermal resistance is scaling with the root of core volume, which allows for thermal resistance calculation to other core shapes and volumes. In ferrite applications, maximum core temperature-rise has been set to 28 K, mainly because of the final temperature of around 80 °C when such a core is being applied in an antenna system on a hot summer day. This high temperature is also the maximum temperature of many synthetic materials that ensure structural integrity in transmission-line cables, so should not be surpassed when this cable has been applied to construct the (transmission-line) transformer. The temperature may also be somewhat too high to ensure mix-2 core integrity since this is guaranteed up to a maximum of 75 °C.


For the following calculation it has been assumed these thermal considerations also to apply to iron-powder materials. It should be noted though, these materials to have been constructed differently (press-molded and dried at low(er) temperatures) and so the thermal resistance may be different (lower).

In the chapters on ferrite materials we found that roughly above 1 MHz. maximum allowed voltage across an inductor is determined by the material loss; at lower frequencies the maximum allowed voltage for linear application will determine the limits.

While taking thermal conditions for mix 2 and 4C65 materials to be equal we have calculated maximum allowed system power in a 50 Ohm system to be applied to a 36 mm. toroide with 6 turns for mix-2 iron-powder material and 4C65 (61) ferrite. Results may be found in graph 1.




Graph 1: Maximum allowed system power in mix-2 en 4C65 (61)




Graph 1 is showing 4C65 ferrite material to be applied at (much) higher system power between 1 and 30 MHz. compared to the iron-powder core. This is mainly due to the (much) higher impedance of the inductor with the same number of turns. Only at around 30 MHz. the two cores may handle system power equally, mainly because of the lowering Q of 4C65 ferrite, meaning loss factors are becoming more important. This also applies to the mix-2 material.

The graph is also showing that at a maximum system power of 100 Watt, the 4C65 component to be fit for a frequency range below 1 MHz. to 30 MHz., with mix 2 to handle this amount of power only at around 30 MHz. The calculation does not take into account the higher parasitic capacitance at mix-2 material because of low core material resistivity. This will  influence the high-frequency cut-off.



What if we were to apply the bigger T200 toroide (51 mm.) instead of the 36 mm. toroide?

To start off, the impedance would go down by around 7 % because of the less favorable relation between core-area versus magnetic path length. The T220 core however has a bigger volume and since thermal resistance is scaling with the root of the volume ratio, core dissipation will go up by 29 %. Taking both effects into account, maximum allowable system power would go up by 20 %, which is low pay-off for this 40 % size increase.


Increasing the number of turns would be much more effective. The 36 mm. 4C65 toroide with 6 turns represents an inductance of 6,53 mH at 1 MHz., while a mix-2 toroide of the same dimensions and turns would be 0,99 mH.  To arrive at the same impedance, the mix-2 core would need: 6 x  Ö6.53 / 0.99 = 15.4 (16) turns, which would lift the mix-2 graph up to the 4C65 line at 1 MHz. The high number of turns however will bring the mix-2 graph down at 30 MHz. to around the 4C65 level again.    


All in all graph 1 illustrates the effectiveness of high permeability materials (ferrites) in power applications. Even at low quality factors, impedances are easily much higher than the same number of turns on a iron powder core and  will allow higher power / bandwidth ratio's.

In general one should be very much aware when designing baluns for non-resonating antenna systems and / or in high impedance environments like symmetrical (300 - 600 Ohm) feed-lines. To still be effective, equivalent parallel inductances of the particular balun should be very high indeed. To still be efficient over a wide band width, the number of turns of this balun should be low enough to not have parasitic effects spoil the upper frequency limit, while still guarantee a high enough impedance at the lowest operating frequency. Low permeability materials therefore are not very much suited for this kind of applications with damaged components and / or transceiver as a result should this advice be neglected.  



Application area


At the end of our discussion on iron power materials it may be useful to generate a global overview on the various core materials, the specific application aria and the frequency range of choice. This may be found in table 4.










tuning (Q > 50)










< .5 MHz: MnZn

< 10 MHz: NiZn

> 10 MHz: Carbonyl

choke (emc)





MnZn (+NiZn > 10 MHz)


choke (power)









< 0.5 MHz: electrolytic iron

<    2 MHz:  MnZn

<  30 MHz: NiZn

>  30 MHz: Carbonyl


trafo (impedance)









<  3 MHz: MnZn

< 20 MHz: NiZn

> 20 MHz: Carbonyl


trafo (power)









< 0.2 MHz: electrolytic iron

<  1 MHz:  MnZn

< 15 MHz: NiZn

> 15 MHz: Carbonyl


Figure 4: Application area's for inductor core materials



The table in figure 4 presents a global overview of application area's that should be regarded in an un-dogmatical way. The columns for m, Q, Tco and Bsat are indicating which parameter is the more important in that particular application area, with '+' for 'important' and '~' for 'no dominant factor'. The composition column is showing MnZn for manganese / zinc ferrite materials, the high permeability ferrites (μ' > 1000), NiZn for nickel / zinc ferrite materials, the lower permeability ferrites (100 < m' < 1000), electrolytic iron for high permeability iron-powder materials (35 <  m' < 100) and Carbonyl for low permeability iron-powder materials (2 < m' < 25).


It should be noted that each materials group represents a large 'community' with indicated frequency limits for the best materials in that community.


In this overview the general tendency is clear for electrolytic iron-powder materials to be found in LF applications like switch-mode power supplies, MnZn to be applied up to the lower HF area (and higher for choking purposes), NiZn for the greater part of the HF area (and up to 200 MHz in choking applications) and carbonyl for the higher HF area and above.

Although most important parameter have been showed in the table, for each application all parameters should be regarded to prevent unpleasant surprises in the final system.




Bob J. van Donselaar,