The 50 Ω story After an idea by ON7YD Transmission-lines are available in a large
range of characteristic impedances and in many different sizes and qualities.
In radio-amateur environment the 50 Ohm type may almost be regarded as a 'standard'
type and the question could arise why this is so? As it happens, the 50 Ohm value is not an
accidental type but is exhibiting somewhat lower loss than other impedance
types. This story will discuss the background to this extend. A coaxial transmission-line usually is
constructed according to the picture below with a centre conductor,
dielectric insulator that also provides mechanical stability, a metallic
shield as an outer conductor and a protecting jacket. Sometimes the jacket as
well as the metallic shield will be called 'sleeve'.
A stretch
of conductive material may be regarded as an inductor and two conductors with
some insulating material in between may easily be recognize as a capacitor.
The inductor as well as the capacitor may dissipate a little energy since no
practical components is ideal. Al together we may regard a coaxial
transmission-line as a succession of inductors, capacitors and resistors (the
loss mechanism), as in the next picture.
At very
small system loss, characteristic impedance of this coaxial transmission-line
may be defined as: R0
= √L/C This
time L and C are lossless components and without loss signals may be transported
along indefinitely long lines without degradation. Signals will
never-the-less be delayed by the L-C charging / discharging mechanism, but
this is outside this little discussion. The
inductor value of L is related to the (inside) diameter of the metallic
shield (D) and the (outside) diameter of the centre conductor (d). The capacitor value is also determined by the
dielectric constant (εr) of the dielectric insulator. We
therefore may describe the characteristic impedance of the coaxial cable in
'mechanical' terms as in: R0
= 60 * ln (D/d) * 1/√εr
already discussed loss mechanisms that to a large extend are related to the
intrinsic resistance of the conductive materials, but also to the amount of
material that is taking part in transporting the energy. The higher the
frequency, the less material is participating since the electromagnetic field
is 'forced' out of the material (skin effect). Through this effect loss is
increasing with frequency and may no longer be neglected. To
still keep loss low at low skin depth, we may attempt to increase the
material surface. Since surface is proportional to diameter of the conductors
we may write: R
~ 1/d + 1/D, after some
reworking: R ~ (D/d +1) * 1/D When
comparing this formula with the earlier one, we find both characteristic
impedance R0 and loss resistance R be related to the diameter of
the coaxial conductors. We like to keep loss as low as possible and may
further regard the relation R0 / R as some kind of 'characteristic
efficiency' of this transmission-line, ή = R0 / R Since
R0 and R have a different relation to diameters, we could
investigate the possibility of an optimal relation between the coaxial
conductors diameters to arrive at a high efficient transport system. By
rewriting the formulas for R0 en R to the diameter-relation only,
we will end up with: ή ~ ln
(D/d) / (D/d +1) We
may now calculate this 'characteristic efficiency' for different ratio's of
D/d, to find the following figure:
the figure above we indeed find the blue curve with an optimal diameter ratio
at D/d = 3,59. When we next enter this optimal diameter ratio into the
formula for characteristic impedance for coaxial transmission-lines, we will
find: R0
= 60 * ln (D/d) = 60 * ln
(3,59) = 76,7 Ohm. This
type of coaxial transmission-line (with air as a dielectric) is being
manufactured for high power applications or at special request. To
better guarantee mechanical integrity many coaxial cables are constructed
with a dielectric fill material between the inner and outer conductor. When
applying the low loss polyethylene dielectric material (εr = 2,25), characteristic impedance of this
optimal diameter-ratio cable will come to: R0
= 60 * ln (D/d) * 1/√εr = 60 * ln (3,6) *
1/√2,25 = 51,2 Ω This
specific characteristic impedance indeed is an industrial standard and may be
found at coaxial types: RG9 (51 Ohm) and RG8 (52 Ohm). The above value may
also be rounded to 50 Ohm, to come to a more general 'standard'. In
the graph it may further be found D/d may vary between 3 and 4,25 to still be
within 2 % of the optimal efficiency value; the optimal efficiency apparently
is not too sensitive for the ratio of the diameters. We
also calculated the green curve for the characteristic impedance of a coaxial
transmission-line at different D/d ratio's, this time filled with
polyethylene. This curve is showing characteristic impedance of the
transmission-line will vary between 44 and 57,5 Ω when D/d is changing
between 3 and 4,25 . In
an analogue way we may derive an optimal D/d ratio for the maximum amount of
power a coaxial transmission-lines may 'transport'. This optimal ratio turns
out to be D/d = 1,65, with a characteristic impedance of 30 Ohm at air
dielectric. The
selection of 50 Ohm for coaxial cable may therefore be regarded as an optimal
value between the optimization for minimal loss and maximum power transport
capabilities. Bob J. van
Donselaar, on9cvd@veron.nl |